Festival de la Rose d'Or 2021
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Fête Médiévale des Bateliers de Saint Nicolas 2021

Medieval Reenactment Group
Medieval re-enactment group.The period we postray is 1200 to 1300 most of the reign of LouisVIII, Louis IX "Saint Louis", Philippe III and Philippe IV " Le Bel"
TAG: Medieval Festival - Medieval Fair - Medieval Camp - Medieval games - Middle Ages - Knights - Knights Templar -Squires - Man at arms - Shield - Heraldic - melee - Armour - Read a coat of arms - Living history - Tournaments - Crusades - Medieval Reenactment Community .
Medieval Re-enactment:
Our members are of varying ages from the youngest menber at 8 to oldest 74.
Our displays range over many historical subjects including costume, heraldy, weapons, armours, food, medieval cooking,games and medieval pastimes